
Album Release!
Katy Adelson Katy Adelson

Album Release!

I'm super excited to announce that my album, "Tune Collection," is available for download and online streaming!!

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Forgetting how to talk...
Katy Adelson Katy Adelson

Forgetting how to talk...

I've always been a really quiet person. When I was a kid, I dreaded being called on in class (even if I knew the answer), or having to say anything surrounded by a group of people I didn't know very well.

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I thought I’d create a blog!
Katy Adelson Katy Adelson

I thought I’d create a blog!

Today, I decided to create some kind of a blog. I’ve always been bad at maintaining a blog, but one of my New Years Resolutions was to manage my online accounts better. So far, I haven’t been doing a good job with that resolution, but I’m hoping to improve!

I’ve always thought that blogs were supposed to be for people with interesting lives and/or lots of helpful information. But, I’m learning that they don’t have to be.

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