I thought I’d create a blog!
Today, I decided to create some kind of a blog. I’ve always been bad at maintaining a blog, but one of my New Years Resolutions was to manage my online accounts better. So far, I haven’t been doing a good job with that resolution, but I’m hoping to improve!
I’ve always thought that blogs were supposed to be for people with interesting lives and/or lots of helpful information. But, I’m learning that they don’t have to be. Some people just post a picture and call it a day, or talk about normal everyday events.
I don’t think my life is very interesting, or something worthy of a blog, but I find reading experiences from other people – even regular, everyday experiences – to be fascinating! It’s like I can learn something from their experiences without necessarily experiencing it myself. I thought I might as well try to write some stuff out. It seems like it could be a lot of fun!
I really don’t know if my music hobby will take me much further, but so far it has taken me a lot farther than I ever could have imagined. I’m so grateful for everyone’s continuous positive support – it really means a lot!